Summer days


I had a wonderful weekend last week! 
On Friday I went shopping with my friend Saara. 
I had just gotten little pocket money from selling some of my old high school books so I wanted to go look around and see if I find something I want to buy and my friend also needed help finding nice bikinis :) 

In the end we only found a bikini top for my friend and I bought 2 Sims games (University Life & Seasons) but I also found a pair of comfy pants which I will probably go buy later. 
We also went to eat at McDonald's and we bought some entertainment for our Saturday's girls' night :D 
We bought a Fifty Shades of Grey -board game which was awesome and also a twist rope and some accessories for our drinks :D 
It was a fun day and it was nice to go and do something after many days just sitting at home. 

On Saturday I spent the whole day with my friends and I had really looked forward to it because then it came 6 years since my dad died so it felt really nice to be with my friends and have some fun :)

At first I met my friend Saara and we went to buy strawberries and peas from the market. Then we had to wait until our friend Suvi got off from work. Then we went to buy food and drinks for the evening. The bags were soo heavy and me and Saara had to carry also all the stuff that we had bought the previous day :D 
When we arrived at Suvi's place, we started to make salad and dessert and when Pei and Taru came we started to barbecue.
We had vegetables, corn, chicken, cheese, sausages and beef. 
It was soo delicious! 
But that's no wonder because I love barbecue food :D 

After we had eaten, we played the Fifty Shades of Grey -game and ate dessert. 
Overall the whole day was such a fun and nice day! :)

Must do these again! 

This week I have just been chilling at home and continuing my many TV series marathons :D 
Today I also ordered a few clothes from the Forever 21 online store.
 I can't wait to have them and try them out.

Tomorrow I will go and help my brother's wife to clean their house because she's pregnant so it would be more effective and faster if she's not cleaning alone :D 
And on Saturday its her birthday so me and my mum are going there. 
Can't wait to see how that goes.

Next week we're supposed to go to Rauma for a few days yaay! :D 
This time I really need to remember to take the rest of my old high school books so I can go sell them. I have forgotten to do that at least 3 times already. So annoying! :D 

I wish you all have a nice weekend! :) 


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I My Me Mine Part 1

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