6 years ♥

Can't believe it has already been 6 years since I had to say goodbye to one of the most important person in my life. 
Not a day goes by that I don't think about my dad 
and miss him too. 

Sometimes I also think about how different my life would be if he was still here.
Although his death was a horrible thing and there are many many days and nights when I've cried myself to sleep, I have managed well. 
Thanks to my mum, Otto & my friends ♥
They all have been here for me and that is something I will never forget and I will always appreciate it. 

Already in the beginning I decided that I need to move on with my life and not just dwell in the sorrow because that is not healthy and it is not what my dad would want. 
Things have gone well and I really wish he's proud of me :)
I got to admit that it is comforting to think that he is somewhere out there looking after me :) And although he's not really here anymore, he will be part of my life forever and I will never forget him. 

I always think about him when listening to these songs. 
You should really listen to the lyrics because they are so good 
and relatable :)

Rest in peace dad ♥♥


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