New year, new try

It's been a very long time since my previous post. Too long. I think about writing here almost every day but haven't managed to actually start writing. Since this is just a hobby for me, I try not to pressure myself too much. Whenever I get the feeling I want to write then I go ahead but at the same time I let myself have days when I don't. But now during the previous months there have been too many of those days when I don't do anything for this blog. It's 2018 and already 3 months into it so for the honour of the new year,  I decided to have a new try of writing more often.

During my hiatus I came up with a new post series idea. Since I have so many unfinished posts about my trips, I will do a throwback series in which I'll write about the trips I've made and haven't had time to write about. So stay tuned for those!

Even though it's "only" been 3 months this year, kinda lot has happened. The biggest and saddest change I've had is losing my dog. That's one of the reasons this blog has been left in the sidelines for so long but more about that later. I have also been nervously waiting to know if my job contract will end in the end of May. Fortunately my manager decided to renew it until the end of this year. Now I'm just waiting for HR to complete the new contract which is AGAIN taking forever. Like last summer and December. Honestly I don't get it how can making a piece of paper take so long. But the most important thing is that it's under works and I will get it later. I'm so relieved that I didn't need to start applying for summer jobs etc and stressfully wait for the answers. I can still live in my nice apartment and explore Jyväskylä more. Hopefully soon I will get my friends to visit and hang out.

Hmm what else... Due to being busy with work for next summer, I will do a trip to Thailand with my mum before summer. We're going there in the end of April and will spend about 10 days in Bangkok. I'm super excited about the trip because I get to meet a couple of my friends. My Thai friend who I haven't met since our previous trip to BKK in last September. Plus now my dear Japanese friend has moved to BKK for work so hopefully if she's not too busy, I get to hang out with her too. Of course it's also nice to travel with my mum again and I miss Thai food and all the places etc. I have been trying to work as much as possible to save up money for this trip and I still need to work hard for less than 4 weeks then it's holiday time. Trips really are good for motivation!

The new Avengers movie is coming in late April and I have been thinking of going to see it in BKK and perhaps even in 4D. But I got to admit that I have a few Marvel movies that I haven't watched yet. Yes I know, I'm a horrible person and I'm sorry about that! Finally last weekend I started catching up on those movies so I watched Thor: Ragnarok (inspired by that re watched Thor: The Dark World) and the first Guardians of the Galaxy movie. I was surprisingly satisfied with both of those since I hadn't been 100% interested because their trailers made them look a bit like not my cup of tea. So yes I was a bit disappointed at myself for not watching them earlier but hey better late than ever! Tonight my mission is to watch the second Guardians of the Galaxy movie. I hope it's at least as good as the first one. I still need to watch Ant-Man and perhaps the new Black Panther. I think for the new upcoming Avengers movie it's useful to have seen the previous movies so that's why I'm having a last minute marathon of all the unwatched Marvel movies. + I really want to watch the Captain America movies again! I've only seen them once which is kinda weird for me so hopefully I'll have time for those too.

Stay tuned for more new posts coming soon!

Happy Easter everyone :)

xoxo, Elina


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