New year, new try
It's been a very long time since my previous post. Too long. I think about writing here almost every day but haven't managed to actually start writing. Since this is just a hobby for me, I try not to pressure myself too much. Whenever I get the feeling I want to write then I go ahead but at the same time I let myself have days when I don't. But now during the previous months there have been too many of those days when I don't do anything for this blog. It's 2018 and already 3 months into it so for the honour of the new year, I decided to have a new try of writing more often. During my hiatus I came up with a new post series idea. Since I have so many unfinished posts about my trips, I will do a throwback series in which I'll write about the trips I've made and haven't had time to write about. So stay tuned for those! Even though it's "only" been 3 months this year, kinda lot has happened. The biggest and saddest change I've had is...