Fall news!

A lot has happened during these past 2 months and that's maybe the reason why I feel like the time has gone really fast. I started my school last month and since then I have been travelling to Rauma almost every week. I thought long and hard about getting a new apartment from there but I ended up deciding to just use the bus and not attending all of my classes. Luckily I have a friend in Rauma who has accommodated me whenever I had to stay there overnight. Thank you Johanna! I think it has been really great to stay with her because that way we have been able to spend more time together and really catch up. So far I haven't had that many classes because my 2 courses in the 1st period didn't have many obligatory classes but starting from next week I'll probably have them much more with a couple of new courses. I just hope my friend doesn't get tired seeing me at her home :D I also just want to get these few last courses over with so I can graduate next year. But there's something else too that I need to do first.....and that's my thesis. My biggest problem at the moment is that I don't have a subject and I don't even really have a clue what could/would/should write. Today I got a couple of ideas so hopefully I can figure it out very soon because then I could start writing it. I would really want to finish it by next June so I could graduate then and after that travel to the US with my friend as a celebration for both of us graduating. But all of that depends on when I manage to decide my subject...

On August I found a really great thing and that was information about 2 Korean language courses that would be held in my hometown. I had been waiting for that for soooo many years and finally I could attend Korean courses! The other one was a basic course which was only about the alphabet and the other was a follow-up course with grammar structure and various dialog/vocabulary practises. I decided to take both of the courses so I could rehearse the alphabet and make my knowledge about them stronger and at the same time I could learn a lot of words and phrases on the other course. The basic course ended already a couple of weeks ago but I still have the other one until the beginning of December. I have really enjoyed the classes and it has been very useful even though they are only once a week. 

On the 8th of September came the day I had been waiting for! My brother and his wife had their second child. Their first boy had also clearly waited to be born because he decided to come early to the world. He was very little but since they got home, he has been eating A LOT so no worries. I'm sure he'll become a charming boy :) 

He's still waiting for a name but he'll probably get it very soon :)

Another thing that I had been waiting for excitedly: ICE-HOCKEY! I obviously missed the whole last season except some games that I managed watch online. I was really disappointed last spring because finally my team won the Finnish Championship and I couldn't attend the final games. Even though I watched them online, it's not the same thing. Therefore I had decided that I'll attend as many games as possible this season. So I started with the first game of the season where they also lifted the championship banner to the ceiling. It was very cool to see that live for the first time. My team, Tappara, won their first game and have been actually winning almost all of their games this far. They're on the 1st spot and have been playing very well so maybe I'll get to see them playing in the finals next spring :) 

So proud ♥
Since my nephew was born, he and his sister has been with me and my mum quite often. My brother had a fire at his house in June so they have been living in an apartment owned by the insurance company so they have been really busy getting their house fixed and moving their things there. We have been happy to help with the children even though sometimes I have almost lost my mind with the older one :D and sometimes I have wished my mum would have said no when my brother asked for help because we have had our own things to do too. But then again they will be little only for a while so we should enjoy this time. 

Last but not least I bough myself some flight tickets! I'm heading to Osaka in the beginning of December. Since some time in the spring I have been planning to go there to attend EXO's concert and meet my Japanese exchange friends. I had already somewhat given up on that idea because of money but my friend in Japan sent me a message about EXO's concert tickets... She was able to get us tickets for one of the EXO's concerts in Osaka and she promised me a place to sleep from her house. In addition Finnair had very cheap tickets to Osaka so I decided to buy them and spend a week in Osaka. I'm really excited to go there and meet my friends after a long time! This time I also have much more time to go sight-seeing which is great. I might also be able to meet my American friend who I got to know during my previous Osaka trip. I hope we manage to meet even though this time she's not attending EXO's concert in Osaka. 

5.-11.12.2016 Osaka, Japan
It's going to be an amazing trip for sure! 

xoxo, Elina


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I My Me Mine Part 1

Spring news

It's getting closer and closer