
Näytetään blogitekstit, joiden ajankohta on lokakuu, 2016.

Fall news!

A lot has happened during these past 2 months and that's maybe the reason why I feel like the time has gone really fast. I started my school last month and since then I have been travelling to Rauma almost every week. I thought long and hard about getting a new apartment from there but I ended up deciding to just use the bus and not attending all of my classes. Luckily I have a friend in Rauma who has accommodated me whenever I had to stay there overnight.  Thank you  Johanna!  I think it has been really great to stay with her because that way we have been able to spend more time together and really catch up. So far I haven't had that many classes because my 2 courses in the 1st period didn't have many obligatory classes but starting from next week I'll probably have them much more with a couple of new courses. I just hope my friend doesn't get tired seeing me at her home :D I also just want to get these few last courses over with so I can graduate next year. But t...

The Summer of 2016

Summer has been over a long time (at  least  here in Finland) and I'm already fed up with this dark and cold weather. So I have been thinking about last summer a lot and here's a recap of what happened then :)  One of the first things I did when I got back to Finland last summer, was of course meeting my friends! We went out to eat and just hang out in the city center. It was great to finally catch up face-to-face and because I missed my friends a lot during my year abroad, it felt a bit unreal seeing them at first.  My friends weren't the only people I wanted to finally meet face-to-face. I also wanted to meet my whole family so we arranged to meet at my sister's place. It was nice to see my brother and sister's families after a long time. I also got to eat proper Finnish barbecue food which tasted like heaven! Me and my mum made the dessert which was also really delicious!  Next big event was my friend's wedding! I was rea...