Everything must come to an end

Sorry I haven't been writing for a while but my mother was visiting me the past 2 weeks. So I used most of my time with her. We went shopping in various places, visited IKEA and just hanged out together. I was so glad to see her after 4 months although I had talked with her a lot in Skype. That's why yesterday when she left, was the saddest and hardest day for me so far during this exchange. To be honest I cried many times at home during the day and it felt really odd that she wasn't here anymore because I had gotten quite used to it already. Now I'm starting to feel okay but I'm still sad because I don't know when I will see her again and there's some scary and exciting things ahead. 

In other words I got an internship place from Valmet which is a Finnish company but internationally located. It's quite well-known company in Finland but still I didn't know how international it is. I applied for a summer job there last spring because they're situated in the city where I study but I didn't get in. Now when I got information about their locations in Thailand, I decided to try and apply for an internship. Right away I got good news and after I cleared some of their concerns, this week I received a message confirming my place there and that now I can start planning my move. Yes unfortunately I need to move away from my nice apartment and even from Bangkok because Valmet is located in Laem Chabang which is in the coast and has a huge port area. Bus drive from there to Bangkok is about 2 hours so it's not bad and it's even closer to Pattaya. If I get bored I can easily go somewhere for the weekend :) I'm really happy about this because this internship place is more connected to my studies than the previous one that I already got from Phuket. I also didn't really want to move to Phuket but be closer to Bangkok so that's another plus about this internship place. Now I just need to find and choose my new apartment and move my stuff there. I will probably visit Laem Chabang with my friend some day soon and go look at some apartments and also then choose the one I want. After that begins the most annoying part...packing my stuff and moving them to the new place. I hope I could for example from somewhere rent a car with a driver who will drive me and all of my stuff at once to Laem Chabang. But I don't know if they have any services like that here. Hopefully I will find out soon! 

In addition one other thing has come to an end...and that is my exchange study period! I had my last and well only exam on Tuesday and my classes ended already last week. Now I'm just waiting for my grades and I need to write 2 different reports for my home university. I can't believe how fast the time has gone although I knew this exchange period will go fast and I was a bit disappointed about how few months it is. I could have maybe continued my exchange but I didn't want it to postpone my internship and eventually my graduation so it was better to choose to do the internship and not a longer exchange period. But I'm very sad because one of my best friends here will leave in a bit over a week and I don't know when I will see her again. If everything goes well and my plan works, I will travel again to Osaka to meet her and also my other friend in the spring but that's not certain yet. Fortunately one other friend won't leave until next month so I will still have someone with who I can hang out before I need to stay permanently in Laem Chabang :)

xoxo, Elina


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