
I finally decided to do this "challenge" or whatever it is because it's a cool way to tell more about myself. I found this from my friend Emilia's blog a long long time ago. 
Here we go! 

13 things I like:

1. Sleeping
2. High heels
3. Green tea 
4. My boyfriend
5. Taking my dog out for a long walk in the evening
6. The Walking Dead TV-series 
7. Wearing nice clothes to school or where ever I go
8. Travelling outside of Europe
9. Studying new languages
10. Flowers
11. Having girls' nights with my friends
12. Barbecue food
13. Making curls to my hair

12 movies I like: 

1. Harry Potter series (every single one!)
2. The Hunger Games series 
3. Olympus Has Fallen
4. World War Z
5. Godzilla (the new version) 
6. Non Stop
7. The Hobbit movies
8. LOTR series 
9. Transformers movies
10. Pirates of the Caribbean series 
11. The Hangover movies 
12. Tomorrow When The War Began

11 bands/artists I like: 

1. EXO
3. Rihanna
4. Little Mix
7. The Wanted 
8. Conor Maynard
10. Foxes 
11. Christina Aguilera


10 good albums/songs: 

1. All of EXO's songs 
2. I Found You - The Wanted 
3. Chandelier - Sia 
4. Hurt - Christina Aguilera 
5. Back - INFINITE
6. MBLAQ - BLAQ Style Album 
7. SISTAR - Give It to Me Album
8. Conor Maynard - Contrast Album
9. Little Mix - Salute Album
10. SISTAR - Touch & Move Album

9 things I wait for: 

1. Travelling to London
2. Spending time with S
3. The Walking Dead's Season 5 premiere (12.10.!) 
4. Travelling to Thailand and South Korea this fall
5. Going to study abroad 
6. Just Dance 2015 game's release (23.10.!)
7. Moving and living abroad 
8. Last Ship's finale episode
9. School starting (a little bit)

8 of my favorite foods: 

1. Fried rice with chicken or pork
2. Salmon pasta 
3. Pizza
4. Chicken wings
5. Spaghetti bolognese
6. Spring rolls
7. Barbecue food (sausage,chicken,pork,fish etc) 
8. Sweet-and-sour pork & rice 

7 good things about today: 

1. Had a fun day
2. Spent time with Johanna 
3. Only 4 days left until I go to London
4. Sunshine
5. I bought gifts aka sweets for S 
6. Being in Rauma 
7. Watched good TV shows 

6 annoying things at the moment:

1. I still have to wait until I get to see S 
2. Don't know what to pack to London
3. A couple of people and their behavior 
4. The fly that is in my room and making noise 
5. My laziness
6. Summer is ending  

5 things I touch every day: 

1. Hairbrush
2. My glasses 
3. iPhone 
4. Headphones 
5. Lip balm

4 TV-series I watch: 
(This one was soo difficult because there are way more than 4 TV-series that I watch! :D) 

1. The Falling Skies 
2. Baby Daddy
3. Criminal Minds
4. Chicago Fire & Chicago P.D

3 places where I can be found: 

1. At home in Rauma 
2. At my second home in Tampere
3. Outside with my dog 

Vanha Rauma
2 of my favorite books: 

1. Harry Potter series 
2. The Hunger Games series

1 thing that means the most: 

1. Love ♥ (Mum, S, Otto & friends)


To London TL: 4 days
School starts TL: 22 days
To Thailand TL: 79 days
To Seoul TL: 132 days


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