Like last year my spring has been full of evenings when I watch nervously my team's games. And once again, for the 6th time in a row, we made it to the Finals. So I got to say, it feels pretty damn good to be rooting for a team that's become one of the strongest and best teams in the Finnish Hockey League. No matter what happens this time, I'm proud of this team. Since I really hate that the games will end soon, I'm glad the World Championship games are still ahead! Go Finland 🇫🇮 and Tappara! I have also quit eating snacks and all the yummy but unhealthy treats which I keep eating way too much. It's not forever but my goal is to stay like this until our trip to Thailand where I'll treat myself no matter what. But it's very good for me to stay away from candy, potato chips, ice-cream, soda, cookies etc for a while and I'm pretty sure I'll continue this after the trip. Now I just hope I'll be able to start exercising more too especially ...
Omnomnom....mulle tuli nälkä! Kohta uusiks isommalla porukalla! ;)