
Näytetään blogitekstit, joiden ajankohta on lokakuu, 2017.

Karmiva Karnevaali -17

Last Friday I left earlier from work and took a bus to Tampere where I had planned to meet up with a couple of friends. I had suggested we go visit the Karmiva Karnevaali event in Särkänniemi and at least some of my friends were up for it. It was held for the first time starting from Friday the 13th and it ended last Sunday. A part of the park was open and filled with all kinds of Halloween and other decorations and lights. There were also various shows and activites (e.g. Burlesque performances, zombies who chased people, fire show) . You could also ride some of the rides and play games (and TRY to get prizes) that are open normally during the summer. There were various eating places that had food with the scary theme e.g. a black hamburger which I ate. I really liked the place as did my friends. It was fun and something different to do so I hope they'll keep organizing this in the upcoming years. The park with all the lights and decorations looked so cool ...

Hello October!

October is here! Are there really only 3 months left of this year? Better start really enjoying the final months. This month means for me work and spending a couple weekends with my mum while we attend 2 fairs. Last month we went to Helsinki and next week Oulu and later this month Turku. Those weekends are tough but it's nice to help mum and spend time with her. Due to being busy on so many weekends, it was great to spend a weekend at home just with my dog last week and I have that same plan for this weekend too. I really missed just being at home so last weekend I enjoyed every second of it. Last weekend I baked American Cheesecake for the first time and it was really good! I'm not the best baker so I was happy to at least succeed with that. Otherwise I just watched ice-hockey and a couple of movies and on Sunday I had a cleaning day after a long time. This weekend sounds about the same but I was thinking of playing some PS3 games too since I haven't played anything in a...