
Näytetään blogitekstit, joiden ajankohta on syyskuu, 2017.

14 weeks till Christmas

After coming back from Thailand last Wednesday, I'm back to my normal routine. I had such a good time in BKK especially with my friends that it has been quite hard to get used to working again. I just keep thinking about the trip and how much I wanted to stay there. I'm not gonna lie I did shed a tear (or "a few") on couple of the last days when I realized my trip is coming to an end and once again I have to go back to Finland. But that gave me more motivation to work hard, save money and keep planning where/when/what to study in Thailand as I have thought about going there to do the master's degree. Considering how much I enjoyed myself there again, I definitely want to go there to continue my studies. But first I need to survive until the end of this year working hard and hopefully continue working in the same place for next Spring. Then maybe already next Fall I could start doing the master's degree. Before that there's this fall and winter to survive....