
Näytetään blogitekstit, joiden ajankohta on huhtikuu, 2017.

2nd seminar DONE!

In the midst of various tasks I needed to do this week (go to the hair dresser, help my mum, go see my friends and get ready for my trip) , I had to go to Rauma today to have my 2nd seminar. I was a bit nervous but also relieved that I can finally get that over with and start focusing on the next part in my thesis. I got very good feedback from my thesis supervisor and my friend who is my opponent. The supervisor even said that at the moment it looks like I'll get a 5 for my thesis! I was really surprised because I'm not even aiming for the highest grade but of course it would be great to get it. Now the next step is to figure out the questions I want to ask from my case company and after choosing them, I have to send them ASAP. I'm not feeling very confident about being able to finish the empirical part especially because now I also need to find myself an apartment for the summer. That's because I'm moving to Jyväskylä to work for the summer! Actually earlier last...

Hello April!

April, the month I have been eagerly waiting for, is finally here! The main reason for my excitement is my trip to Seoul which will start next Saturday. I don't if it's due to stressing over my thesis or the weather and the coldness here but I have been super eager to leave already for a long time. Spring has already well started in Seoul (not like here in Finland) so I'm really looking forward to the warmer weather and the cherry blossoms. I also can't wait to see my dear Korean friend and hang out with her as much as possible. And there's the good food and great shopping places too so no wonder I have wanted to start packing for the past month. Last week I also managed to buy myself a M Cultour Package from SMTOWN Travel so I will attend the M!Countdown show on the 13th in Seoul. I was a bit unsure if they will sell it for April but the sale finally started and of course I bought it right away. Attending one of those K-pop TV shows has been my dream for a few ye...