
Näytetään blogitekstit, joiden ajankohta on tammikuu, 2017.

2016 in review

Last year I didn't finish this post but this time I managed. So here's a review of 2016: (Once again I used questions that I found from  my friend's blog ) RELATIONSHIPS 1. Did you get a new friend?  Yes, I met really nice people at my internship  company  and during my travels.  2. Did you do something new? Travelled to Malaysia, did an internship, visited new places in Seoul and Osaka, went to see Thai movies and lived in Thailand somewhere else than Bangkok (Laem Chabang). The view from my balcony in Laem Chabang. Even though some days I kinda hated it when I was there but nowadays I often miss it.  3. Were you in a relationship?  Yes and no. Kinda... 4. Tell a couple of the best memories from 2016?   Concerts (EXOluXion in Kuala Lumpur, EXO'rDIUM in Osaka, Dream Concert 2016) & trips to Seoul + my time in Thailand.  5. Did you fight with any of your friends?  ...

One thing off my bucket list

This spring I will, most likely, get one thing off my bucket list and that is seeing the cherry blossom! I have been planning to go see the flowers in Seoul since last spring when I wasn't able to go there or Japan. I was almost giving up once again but after careful consideration I decided to travel to Seoul in April. I was supposed to go with my mum but we decided that I will go alone and later this year, maybe during Christmas, we will go somewhere together. I was a bit sad about that but I totally get why my mum decided to stay at home and well travelling alone isn't very new for me anymore nowadays so it's not that bad. This way I can also visit places that my mum isn't very interested in. Plus I don't have to be completely alone thanks to my Korean friend whom I'm really excited to meet again. Can't wait until April! Luckily I still have a couple of months time to brush up my Korean because I would really like to use it there as much as possible from ...