
Näytetään blogitekstit, joiden ajankohta on joulukuu, 2016.

Christmas 2016

Another Christmas has come and gone. Compared to last year's Christmas, this time it was way different. This year I spent it in Finland with my family and I got to eat traditional Finnish Christmas food and not McDonalds' like last year... Our plan for Christmas Eve changed a bit but still I had fun and enjoyed myself. But once again I got thinking that Christmas is actually quite annoying event because I feel like everyone is just stressing and worrying about presents, food, clothes, cleaning, family + possible work/school related things. So during the weeks leading to Christmas people are just bunch of stressed and burned out monkeys. I wish people would just forget all the stupid fuss about "what to buy as a present" "oh no I still need to cook this and this" "the house still looks horrible" and just enjoy and relax during Christmas time. But that probably won't happen ever especially in the Western countries... At least I tried to take it ...

Living like a vampire

Living like a vampire...that's how my friend described my life when I told her about my work and sleep schedule for the past week. On last week's Monday I started working for the Finnish post as a Christmas helper and my last shift was last night. During this time I have been working every day or well actually night because I had only night shifts. The same time every night. Many people have been asking how was it, was it hard etc. I don't think it was that hard. It was actually quite the same as working during daytime. But there was one thing that helped a lot and it was the fact that we had something to do all the time and that's something which keeps me going. I know the nights would have been a lot worse for me if I didn't have something to do the whole shift. Plus every time I felt tired or at home I felt like I didn't want to go, I just thought about the good salary and additions for night work (+weekend work) I will get and just kept going. The work its...

Hello December ♥

So November came and went just like that. Is it really December already? I'm actually excited about this month! There are many things coming...  Next week I'll spend in Japan which I can't wait! I really miss my Japanese friends and I can't believe I'll see EXO perform live once again. After I come back to Finland I'll have a couple of lessons and an exam left. I'm really nervous about the exam... I just hope I can pass it. During that week I'll also start a job with the Finnish post. It's only for 9 days because it's a Christmas helper work but I'm still glad I got it. Extra money = yes please! Someone might think I'm stupid but I'm quite excited to go to work for a change. Even though I'm going to be so busy because I need to prepare for Christmas at the same time. I bet there will be a day (days) when I'm not that excited anymore... Let's look back at last month a bit. As I told earlier I had many birthdays to celebr...