
Näytetään blogitekstit, joiden ajankohta on lokakuu, 2015.


25.10. was an amazing day. Why?  Because I got to see INFINITE live once again and this time only them for 2,5 hours ♥ They stopped in Bangkok during their second world tour and held 2 concerts here. I was lucky to find a website that sold the tickets and two of my friends also agreed to come with me.    The concert was held in Thunder Dome which was actually quite small place but it didn't matter although I think the size of the place affected how loudly you could hear the fans screaming + the sound effects. It was quite horrible from time to time...  We had standing tickets which we were first a bit disappointed about  but once we found out how close we're to the stage at least I got very excited :D  When they were performing on the extension part of the stage, they were very close and you could really see their expressions etc. Luckily we could still see them very well when they were on the "main" stage a bit mo...

What have you been doing?

That question is one that many family members and friends have been asking me. In addition to having some lazy days at home, I have been doing various things and here are some pictures about them:  I visited a nearby cafe with my friend. I really like the decorations and the food was quite good too. We also ended up buying couple of pieces of cake to take back home. I love how many cafes Bangkok has and how cheap they are because  I hardly ever visit cafes in Finland due to their prices.  We went to see the Attack on Titan part 2 and I saw these in the cinema and wanted to buy one because I'm a Marvel fan. Unfortunately you need to buy both of them so I just bought a  normal popcorn and soda combo. Why can't we have cool combo dishes in Finland too??  Finally the rainy season is over but still last month there were many days when you could witness very hard rain. One moment you couldn't see anything and then a little wh...