
Näytetään blogitekstit, joiden ajankohta on kesäkuu, 2014.

Weekend full of fun

Finally this weekend I have had something other than just being lazy at home watching tv series to do! :D and it has felt very good!  On Friday I met up with Johanna for the first time after a long time.  We went to walk around in the Rauma's city center and Old Rauma.  Luckily it was a nice sunny and warm day :)    I bought new shoes which match perfectly with my new leggings which I had already bought earlier :)  After walking around, we went to eat at Rauma's new Thai restaurant called Aroy (which means delicious) . I ate fried rice with pork which was sooo good! It really tasted like Thai fried rice :D I'm definitely going there again someday!  We also decided to go and see the new Transformers 4 -movie.  It was our first time in the Iso Hannu -cinema and although it was small, I liked it. The movie was also very good! I enjoyed it very much and were happy to see many good actors in it :) I definitely r...

Happy news!

I got some good news!  Me and my mum decided to not to stay in Finland for the next Christmas.  Instead we are going to Seoul, South Korea! :) We are going to leave on the 19th of December and come back on the 30th just before New Year's Eve.  I can't wait to go there for the second time because I really liked Seoul when I was there before.  Okay that may be because I like K-Pop and Korean people :D but still the city itself was very nice too.  I have also decided to go to London and visit my babe in August but I still need to decide the dates and book flights and a hotel :) That trip will definitely be the highlight of this summer holiday ♥ Can't wait to go shopping there! :D  Doota - Shopping Mall ♥   Last week I also finally got my own copy of Battlefield 4 game!  I have played it now for a few times and I just got to say that I love it!  I really hoped that it would be at least as good as Battlefield 3 and...

Lazy days

Laiskoittelua, väsymystä ja tv-ohjelmien & elokuvien katselemista.  Noista on mun päivät tehty :D  Lämpöisinä ja aurinkoisina päivinä on tullut myös tehtyä Oton kanssa pitkiä lenkkejä ja nautittua kesästä ♥ On ihanaa mennä kävelemään vain ympäriinsä jopa myöhään illallakin kun joka paikassa on vihreätä, kukkia ja kesäinen raikas tuoksu.  Kesätöiden puutteen vuoksi on myös paljon paljon ylimääräistä aikaa päivittäin joten on tullut jatkettua syksyllä aloitettua Täykkäreiden tuotantokausien katselua ja myös muutamien muiden ohjelmien uusimpien jaksojen katselua. Seuraan nyt mm. Baby Daddy, Awkward, Rookie Blue, Hit the Floor AGT, SYTYCD, The 100, Crisis & The Night Shift ohjelmia. Tänään alkaa myös vihdoinkin Pretty Little Liars:n 5. kausi!  Myöhemmin tässä kuussa alkaa 2 parasta kesäsarjaa: Falling Skies ja Under the Dome.  Niiden jatkumista on tullutkin odotettua ja PALJON!  Päätinkin vielä katsoa F...

Here again!

Hi all! Long time no write :D  I have not been writing for a while but I finally decided to come and tell what I have been doing and start writing more regularly for now on :) So what have I done: been on summer holiday for almost a month  gone to the movies  enjoyed hot and sunny weather spent my time in Tampere baked a chocolate cake by myself  hanged out with friends ♥ waited anxiously for exam and course grades  gone to the beach for the first time this summer  lost my jacket  seen the new Godzilla -movie in 3D played Sims 3 eaten ice cream from Jugi taken photographs had 3 migraines (2 in 24 hours which was INSANE) missed my babe ♥ cheered for Leijonat  watched TV series and movies  been angry, sad & happy  waited for getting a summer job  enjoyed wearing my summer clothes  gone to see my friends' dance performances  gone shopping  listened to EXO's new album and LOVED IT ♥ pla...