
Näytetään blogitekstit, joiden ajankohta on tammikuu, 2014.

Goodbye January, Welcome February!

Se on kuulkaas jo viimeinen päivä Tammikuuta!  Tää kuukausi on mennyt aivan super vauhtia. Paljon on ehtinyt sattua ja tapahtua; koulu ja uudet kurssit alkoivat (paljon odotettu Thai -kurssi alkoi! JEE!),  pääsin takaisin omaan kämppään, nauttinut auringon paisteesta & lumesta (+kärsinyt pakkasesta) , viettänyt aikaa kavereiden kanssa ja tehnyt suunnitelmia loppuvuodelle.  Eilen oli S:n syntymäpäivä, jota vietettiin Battlefield 3:sta pelaamalla mikkien kera ja Skypessä jutellen. Oli tosi mukavaa tehdä edes jotain yhdessä vaikkakin mua harmittaa suunnattomasti ettei nähty ja juhlittu oikein kunnolla. Tuli silti opetettua lisää Suomen kieltä herralle; "Kiitos" ja "Hyvää Syntymäpäivää" :D Noiden myötä sainkin oikein kunnon naurut! Ääntäminen on meinaan "hieman" hupaisan kuuloista vielä :D  Toivottavasti loppuvuonna kun koittaa mun syntymäpäivä ja ensi vuonna S:n syntymäpäivänä pystyttäisiin kunnolla näkemään ja juhlimaan! Etenkin kun tänä vuonna mä...

A lot of has happened...

Hi everyone!  I haven't written a lot these days but that's going to change.  So a lot of has happened this year so far. I came back to Rauma a day before my school started but....I had to go stay at my friend's place because the renovation in my flat wasn't ready. That's one of the reasons why I haven't been writing much. Although it was very nice and cool to stay with Johanna and spend a lot of time with her, it was still very annoying and frustrating. I just wanted to go home to sleep in my own bed and do things with my own stuff and also do everything the way I'm used to.  But everything went well and we both survived (but barely!)  :D  On Monday I finally got some good news from my mum. She was told that I can go back to my flat on Wednesday. I was soooo relieved because the renovation took a longer time than it was supposed to so I was getting very angry. That's why I have decided that I will never ever want any company do any renovati...

New York, New York, New York

New York City, NY, USA  February  2014 ♥ It's going to be awesome! Can't wait...

100 songs of 2013

Here's a list of 100 songs from 2013 that I really liked and listened over and over again :D  I hope you enjoy it!  (NOTE: They are not in any particular order! That would be too hard to do :D ) SISTAR - Give it to Me The Wanted - Show Me Love Henry - Trap Girl's Generation - I G ot a Boy EXO - Growl Ariana Grande ft. Nathan Sykes - Almost is Never Enough Emblem3 - 3000 Miles Ailee - U&I  INFINITE - Destiny Little Mix - Move EXO - Wolf Lee Hi - Rose Eminem ft. Rihanna - The Monster  Miss A - Hush SHINee - Dream Girl Sunmi - 24 Hours MR.MR - Do You Feel Me  The Wanted - Walks Like Rihanna Hyolyn - Lonely Wale ft. Rihanna - Bad (Remix) 4Minute - What's Your Name?  Henry - 1-4-3  Sistar19 - Gone Not Around Any Longer Emblem3 - Chloe Little Mix - Little Me  Girl's Day - Female President SHINee - Why So Serious?  MBLAQ - Smoky Girl Little Mix - Change Your Life Hyolyn - One Way Love One Direction - St...

♥♥ 2013 ♥♥

It's time for a new year, 2014! I just have to say that I can't believe how fast these years go by nowadays... This is mad! Soon I'll be 20, graduate, get a real job and HOPEFULLY move abroad with S, get married & start a family and get old & DIE ...  B ut what then? :/  For me the year 2013 was...UNBELIEVABLE! There aren't words enough to describe it. And for the first time, most of the experiences and happenings were positive instead of negative and bad. I thought I would do a recap post about all of those things :)  My year started in Thailand with my mum, brother and his Thai wife. It was a long trip (28.12.2012-15.1.2013) and full of unforgettable, fun and sad moments ♥  I loved:  shopping, shopping & shopping seeing Kanjana's family again going to Chiang Mai  visiting Chiang Mai Zoo & Doi Suthep -temple seeing Thailand's old capitol, Ayutthaya going to Pattaya and to the beach  eating Thai food ...

Promises for 2014

I decided to make a few promises or maybe more like goals. I got to admit I haven't made those before because I always feel like I'm going to fail and there's no point in even trying. But I decided this year is going to be different. I'm going to make it different.  We'll see what happens...  I will start working out more frequently. Jogging and doing fitness & cardio videos from  Blogilates . I will do my school work on time and even before hand to avoid being so busy in the end.  I will enjoy all the good moments.   I will eat in a more healthy way.   I will spend time with my friends & S as much as possible.  I will not waste my money.   I will whine about things less.  I will try out new things (food etc).   I will be true to myself and others.  I will keep my promises.